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Aunt Lisa ()
Hi buddy, sorry I haven't posted in so long, believe me, it's not a lack of thinking about you! Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and miss you. Your mom is right, we talk about you all of the time, how precious our memories are of you. Like the time you were just a tiny tot, and said the word raviolioliolioliolio!! Once you got rolling on the word ravioli, you just seemed to get stuck on it!! Or the time you were trying to be so helpful, and put your bowl of spaghettios on the counter in the kitchen and it landed on your head!! The look of utter shock!!! We couldn't help but laugh!! Or how easy it always was to get you to smile, from the time you were just a baby, just learning how. Or how you would tap perfect strangers on the shoulder in the store, if they weren't paying attention to you!! What a precious little boy, and such a wonderful young man you grew to be. We feel the huge void you've left us, without you here everyday. It's a tough month this month, as your birthday is soon approaching, another one without you here. You left us far too soon honey. I love you infinity times nothing, and I miss you as much!! Im sending you hugs and kisses, I hope you can catch them all! Aunt Lisa