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Marie little sis
Some times I have a dream that Eric comes to vist me in. The other day he came to me in a dream and shared a memory with me that I often think about. He got a key board as a kid you know the kind you play music on. I use to go into his room when he wasn't in there and I would play it. Most of the time he would hear me playing it and he would come up stairs and yell to my mom "Mom Marie's in my room" and we would get into a big fight. As adults we looked back on those memories and laughed because as kids we fought sooo much. But as adults we were best frieds we told each other every thing. But in this dream he told me that now that he is gone every thing of his is now mine and that I can play it as often as I want. I woke up crying. Another memory that I often laugh about now is even as adults when me and Eric went some place with my mom we use to fight over who got the front seat so we decided who ever got there first would get the front seat. Which most of the time was me. well not long before he died we went some where with my mom and he got to the front seat before I did. But he didn't get in. he just opened the door and held it open while he talked to my mom. So I jumped in and said thanks Eric for holding the door open for me. We all just started laughing. I still talk to him pretty much every single day before I go to bed or in the car. When I talk to him I often cry too still. I am still wondering how I am going to get through my math classes with out his help because I depended on him so much for those classes. I still think that it is so unfair that he had to go when he was sooo... young and I depended on him so much. I had so many plans I wanted to do with him. I honestly have to say that I could have never asked for a better more loving big brother and best friend. He was definitly one of a kind. I just wish I had more time with him. I love you Eric and I know with out a doubt in my mind you are always with me.