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grandma dawson ()
Dearest Eric, You would've loved the happenings of this past year. Remember how Heather always followed you around when she was little? How much she adored you? Well now she has a little one of her own and Lisa brought them from GA to MI last month to visit. You would've loved to meet your newest cousin and I know she would've taken right to you, little ones always have been attracted to you. And Marie (as I'm sure you know since we felt your presence with us) and Dan got married. You would be proud of her, she was so beautiful. A small wedding but she looked every inch the bride in her dress and veil, and of course the glow all brides have. We toasted a drink to your memory and knew you were there with us, with your arm around her.

People say that life goes on, and I guess it does, people marry, have babies, celebrate Holidays and birthdays but when a loved one is gone, one who should be with you, it is never, ever the same. There is a hole in our lives and hearts and nothing and no one can ever fill that hole, no matter how many Holidays, births, marriages etc there are, because we miss you so much, more than words can say and our thoughts are always that "Eric should be here to enjot this also". I hope you know just how much you are loved and we keep the memories of you with us always.

Everyday I look at your picture, I keep one right by my computer. I'm so glad we had that last Christmas dinner with you, just wish I had taken pictures. I often think of how I teased you about your beard and how you hugged me and said, "love you grandma". I hear your voice in my heart/mind and keep it there. Grandpa has said how glad he was that he walked out to your car with you and stood and chatted with you. We can't make any more memories with you so we keep alive the ones we have.

Yesterday Grandpa, Joe and I went to a Christmas special at church. We had a candle light vigil and when I lit my candle I thought of you and that I was lighting the candle in your memory, of course I started to cry. Oh Eric we miss you and love you so much, our sadness and loss have never dimmed. We should have so many more memories an pictures and laughter with you instead of past memories and tears. Your mom mentioned she wonders what you would've looked like as you aged, but to us you'll always be 23.

love you so much Eric.