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grandma dawson
5 Years, Eric how can it be possible that it's been that long? Yet some days it seems like you were with us yesterday, other days it feels like more than 5 years. Yesterday I kept thinking that 5 years ago you were still with us that we had no idea of the heartache we would be facing the next day. If only we could go back to that day and change it, to still have you with us, instead of the empty spot on our hearts and in our lives. Oh how we miss you! Grandpa was saying the other day about how much he misses you. Still, not a day goes by when I think of you and miss you, the heart ache just doesn't end. I often wonder, did I hug him enough, did I tell him enough times how much I love him and how proud of him we are? If only we could hug you once more (no, more than once, once wouldn't be enough, would never be enough).

Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day.

Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed and very dear.

Love and miss you so very much Eric.