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Priscila (Graziella)
Happy birthday Eric :)

You're still always in our hearts. I miss you, i miss our conversations and the way you used to make me laugh, even when talking about serious things.

I first met Tigerheart in WoW about two years ago. How we met? Well, basically he saw my character one of these days and simply started talking, like he knew me since forever. There was no introduction, no "hi, my name is..." he just began a conversation (i'm pretty sure it was about Molten Core) and we kept talking for hours.

Eric was an amazing friend ever since. I always loved his big heart, how he would go completely out of his way just to make our day better or to help someone. He always could bring a smile to my face, from cheering me up when i screwed up on some raid ("how can you be in tier 1 and outdamage all the rogues in full t2? (it was nothing special, i just pressed 2 buttons faster, but hearing him say that just made me smile)) to wanting to do the craziest things in game, and actually be able to convince us to do it, with his excitement and conviction that it could be done.

He touched my life, and he touched the life of many, many people, some of whom he never phisically met. He is an amazing person, and I miss him horribly.

Rest in Peace Eric, and happy birthday :)
